
Lirik dan Kord Gavin DeGraw - Not Over You

Gavin DeGraw

Gavin DeGraw - Not Over You

Geen capo
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Bb5: 6-8-8-x-x-x
C5:  8-10-10-x-x-x
G5:  3-5-5-x-x-x
F5:  1-3-3-x-x-x
Bb:  6-8-8-6-6-6
Eb:  x-6-8-8-8-6
Gm:  3-5-5-3-3-3
F:   1-3-3-2-1-1


| Bb5 | C5 | G5 | F5 |   x2

 Bb5                            C5  G5
 Dreams, that's where I have to go
G5            F5        Bb5  
 to see your beautiful face anymore
     C5       G5                                   F5
 I stare at a picture of you and listen to the radio
Bb5                    C5          G5
 Hope, hope there's a conversation
G5                      F5          
 where we both admit we had it good
Bb5                 C5      G5                         F5
 but until then it's alienation, I know, that much is understood
 And I realize
Lirik dan Kord Gavin DeGraw - Not Over You
Bb Eb If you ask me how I'm doin I would say I'm doin just fine Gm F Eb I would lie and say that you're not on my mind Bb Eb But I go out and I sit down at a table set for two Gm F Eb and finally I'm forced to face the truth Gm No matter what I say, I'm not over you | Bb5 | C5 | G5 | F5 | x1 Not over you Bb5 C5 Damn, damn girl you do it well G5 F5 And I thought you were innocent Bb5 C5 G5 You took this heart and put it through hell F5 But still you're magnificent Bb5 C5 G5 F5 I I'm a boomerang doesn't matter how you throw me Bb5 C5 G5 Turn around and I'm back in the game F5 Even better than the old me Eb But I'm not even close without you
Lirik dan Kord Gavin DeGraw - Not Over You
Bb Eb If you ask me how I'm doin I would say I'm doin just fine Gm F Eb I would lie and say that you're not on my mind Bb Eb But I go out and I sit down at a table set for two Gm F Eb and finally I'm forced to face the truth Gm No matter what they say, I'm not over you Gm F Bb Eb And if I had the chance to renew Gm F Bb Eb You know there isn't a thing I wouldn't do Gm F I could get back on the right track Bb Eb But only if you'd be convinced Gm F So until then
Lirik dan Kord Gavin DeGraw - Not Over You
Bb Eb If you ask me how I'm doin I would say I'm doin just fine Gm F Eb I would lie and say that you're not on my mind Bb Eb But I go out and I sit down at a table set for two Gm F Eb and finally I'm forced to face the truth Gm No matter what I say, I'm not over you Bb5 C5 G5 Not over you F5 Bb5 Not over you C5 G5 Bb5 Not over you

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